Vortrag von Rosemary J. Coombe: “Branding Traditional Places and their Products: Prospects for Geographical Indications and their Limits”
Prof. Rosemary J. Coombe meets Research Group
Introductory Post: Interdisciplinary Research Group on Cultural Property
The Göttingen Research Group on Cultural Property
Why WIPO? Minimal Moves and Sudden Changes in the Making of Cultural Property Rights
The WIPO Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC – GRTKF)
WIPO’s IGC on GRTKF – An Anthropological Perspective
WIPO Field Research from the Economic Perspective
Disciplinary Methods and Interdisciplinary Collaboration. Or: What is a “participant observation”? And who faces a “regulatory choice problem”?
Focus: Interdisciplinarity in Research Groups