Institut für Volkskunde/ Kulturanthropologie, Raum 202
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 (West)
20146 Hamburg
Telefon +49 (0)40-42838-7249
Email johannes.mueske@uni-hamburg.de
- Klänge und Töne als cultural property? (2008–2011)
- Die technische Dimension der Konstitution/Konstruktion von Cultural Property. In: Bendix, Regina, Bizer, Kilian, Groth, Stefan eds.: Die Konstituierung von Cultural Property: Forschungsperspektiven. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2010.
- Klänge als Cultural Property? Ansätze und Methoden eines Forschungsprojekts. In: Kulturen 3 (2009) 2:21–32.
- “Zu den Grenzen von Cultural Property: Die technische Aneignung der Klangwelt”, Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde, Tübingen, 21.-24.9.2011.
- Mit Thomas Hengartner: “The Cultural Appropriation of Sounds: Sound Archives and the (non-) Constituting of Cultural Property on an Institutional Level”, International Symposium of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Cultural Property, The Constitution of Cultural Property: Interim Conclusions, 15.-17.06.2011 Göttingen, Germany.
- “Soundmarks as lieux de mémoire – Maritime Heritage festivals and the sonic ambiance in Flensburg (Germany) ”, Second International Symposium on Cultural Property, Interdisciplinary Research Group on The Constituting of Cultural Property: Actors, Discourses, Contexts, Rules, 17.-20.08.2010 Göttingen, Germany.
- “The technical dimension in the constituting of Cultural Property”, International Symposium on Cultural Property, Interdisciplinary Research Group on The Constituting of Cultural Property: Actors, Discourses, Contexts, Rules, 12.-15.11.2009 Göttingen, Germany.
- “Constructing Sonic Heritage: the accumulation of knowledge in the context of sound archives”, “Local Knowledge and Open Borders: Creativity and Heritage” University of Tartu / International Summer University und Conference der SIEF Arbeitsgruppe Cultural Heritage and Property, 29.07– 04.08. 2009.

Cultural Anthropology
Institut for Folklore/Cultural Anthropology, Room 202
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 (West)
20146 Hamburg
Telephone +49 (0)40-42838-7249
Email johannes.mueske@uni-hamburg.de
- Sounds and Tones as cultural property? (2008–2011)
- Die technische Dimension der Konstitution/Konstruktion von Cultural Property. In: Bendix, Regina, Bizer, Kilian, Groth, Stefan eds.: Die Konstituierung von Cultural Property: Forschungsperspektiven. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2010.
- Klänge als Cultural Property? Ansätze und Methoden eines Forschungsprojekts. In: Kulturen 3 (2009) 2:21–32.
- “Zu den Grenzen von Cultural Property: Die technische Aneignung der Klangwelt”, Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde, Tübingen, 21.-24.9.2011.
- With Thomas Hengartner: “The Cultural Appropriation of Sounds: Sound Archives and the (non-)Constituting of Cultural Property on an Institutional Level”, International Symposium of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Cultural Property, The Constitution of Cultural Property: Interim Conclusions, 15.-17.06.2011 Göttingen, Germany.
- “Soundmarks as lieux de mémoire – Maritime Heritage festivals and the sonic ambiance in Flensburg (Germany) ”, Second International Symposium on Cultural Property, Interdisciplinary Research Group on The Constituting of Cultural Property: Actors, Discourses, Contexts, Rules, 17.-20.08.2010 Göttingen, Germany.
- “The technical dimension in the constituting of Cultural Property”, International Symposium on Cultural Property, Interdisciplinary Research Group on The Constituting of Cultural Property: Actors, Discourses, Contexts, Rules, 12.-15.11.2009 Göttingen, Germany.
- “Constructing Sonic Heritage: the accumulation of knowledge in the context of sound archives”, “Local Knowledge and Open Borders: Creativity and Heritage” University of Tartu / International Summer University und Conference der SIEF Arbeitsgruppe Cultural Heritage and Property, 29.07– 04.08. 2009.