Institut für Ethnologie
Theaterplatz 15
37073 Göttingen
Homepage: Prof. Dr. Brigitta Hauser-Schäublin
Email bhauser@sowi.uni-goettingen.de
- Kulturelles Erbe zwischen Souveränität indigener Gruppen, Staat und internationalen Organisationen am Beispiel Indonesiens (2011–2014)
- Umstrittene Sammlungen. Divergierende Ansprüche auf Eigentum in Debatten und Verhandlungen 40 Jahre nach der Verabschiedung der UNESCO-Konvention über rechtswidrigen Kulturgütertransfer (2011–2014)
- Processes of Constituting „World Heritage“ and their Meaning in Cambodia” (Prozesse der Konstituierung eines „Weltkulturerbes“ und dessen Bedeutung am Beispiel Angkors (Kambodscha)) (2008–2011)
- Transkulturelle Autorenschaft, Copyright und Film am Beispiel der Totenfeste der Toraja, Sulawesi, Indonesien (2008–2011)
- Beobachterstatus Palästinas als Beispiel für eine nationale Befreiungsbewegung (2012)
- 2012: Ethnologische Sammlung: Wenn lokale Traditionen internationalisiert werden… In: Dinge des Wissens. Die Sammlungen, Museen und Görten der Universität Göttingen, S. 244-245- Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.
- In press: The reconciliation of diverging claims and rights. Governing differing entitlements to cultural artefacts in UNESCO and beyond. In: Müller, Birgit: International Governance. London: Pluto Press.
- In press: Neu eröffnete Völkerkundemuseen: Gewohntes, neue Ausrichtungen und Irrungen. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie.
- 28.-30.11.2012: Conference: The Temporalities of Law (Organizers: Franz and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann and Martin Ramstedt). Max-Planck-Institut for Social Anthropology Halle/Saale. Vortrag (mit Sven Missling): Dealing with a contested colonial legacy.
The interactions between international law and international governance in the case of Preah Vihear.
- AMAN, ‘culture’ and the modernization of adat. Workshop Adat between state governance and self-determined indigeneity in Indonesia, Göttingen, 13.-14. Oktober 2012
- 13.-14.10.2012: Organisation (mit Serena Müller) eines Workshops in Göttingen “Adat between state governance and self-determined indigeneity in Indonesia” (Chair und Vortrag).
- 11.-12. Oktober: Workshop: World Heritage on the Ground: Ethnographic Perspectives (Organizers: David Berliner and Christoph Brumann). Max-Planck-Institute for Social Anthropology Halle/Saale. Participation as discussant.
- 30.06.-20.07.2012 Feldforschung zum Projekt „Kulturelles Erbe zwischen Souveränität indigener Gruppen, Staat und internationaler Organisationen am Beispiel Indonesiens“ in Bali (Indonesien).
- 20.-22.06.2012 Teilnahme an der 18. Sitzung des UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee für Promoting the Return of Cultural Property in Paris im Rahmen des Projekts “Umstrittene Sammlungen. Divergierende Ansprüche auf Eigentum in Debatten und Verhandlungen
40 Jahre nach der Verabschiedung der UNESCO-Konvention über rechtswidrigen Kulturgütertransfer.
- 23.-25.05.2012 Workshop (Göttingen) „The International Law of Culture: Prospects and Challenges“: Indigenous peoples and multiple citizenship. Chair: Panel 5: Culture, UNESCO and International Relations.
- 05.12.2011: Key note: Promoting „culture“ – producing conflicts? International governance and the ambiguity of its tools. ISA Winter Retreat. Kirchschlag (Oesterreich).
- 14.-17.09 2011: Organisation und Durchführung eines Panels (gemeinsam mit Christoph Brumann) anlässlich der Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde in Wien, zu Die UNESCO und ihre globale Kulturpolitik.
- 14.-17.09.2011 DGV-Tagung in Wien: Plenum-Vortrag im Panel “Die Repatriierung von Kulturgütern – Versuch einer kritischen Bilanz“: Vortrag: Many histories, many goals: Ethnographic collections in the crosshairs of competing claims an rights.
- 15.-17.06.2011 mit Keiko Miura: “The Political Dimensions of Cultural Property Research“, International Symposium of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Cultural Property, The Constitution of Cultural Property: Interim Conclusions, Göttingen, Germany.
- 15.-17.06.2011: “Introductory Remarks and Policy Recommendations”, International Symposium of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Cultural Property, The Constitution of Cultural Property: Interim Conclusions, Göttingen, Germany.
- 02.-04. Mai 2010: “The political implicatons of archaeological research in the case of Preah Vihear World Heritage Site, Cambodia“, Workshop “’Archaeologising’ heritage. Local social practice vs. global virtual reality.” Cluster of Excellence “Asia
and Europe in a global context” der Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg.
- 24.-27. Februar 2010 mit Sven Missling: “The consequences of desire: Preah Vihear as a contested heritage site” Colloque international: Patrimoine culturel et désirs de territoires: vers quels développements? Université de Nîmes/Montpellier.
- 21. Februar 2010: “Im Schatten von Angkor. Leben mit dem Weltkulturerbe in Kambodscha”, Matinée-Vorträge der Ethnologischen Sammlung der Universität Göttingen.
- 12.-15.11.2009 Göttingen: “Preah Vihear: whose heritage, whose property?”, International Symposium on Cultural Property, Interdisciplinary Research Group on The Constituting of Cultural Property: Actors, Discourses, Contexts, Rules, Germany.

Social and Cultural Anthropology Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology Theaterplatz 15 37073 Göttingen
Homepage: Prof. Dr. Brigitta Hauser-Schäublin
Email bhauser@sowi.uni-goettingen.de
- Cultural Heritage in Indonesia: Sovereignty of Indigenes Groups, the State and International Organizations (2011–2014)
- Controversial collections: Diverging claims on Property in Debates and Negotiations 40 years after passing the UNESCO-Convention on Illegal Transfer of Cultural Goods (2011–2014)
- Processes of Constituting „World Heritage“ and their Meaning in Cambodia (2008–2011)
- Trans-cultural Authorship, Copyright and Film. The Case of Funeral Rituals among the Toraja in Sulawesi, Indonesia (2008–2011)
- The diversion of the village gods. A criminal turn in the biography of Balinese copperplate inscriptions. (2012)
- 2012: Ethnologische Sammlung: Wenn lokale Traditionen internationalisiert werden… In: Dinge des Wissens. Die Sammlungen, Museen und Görten der Universität Göttingen, S. 244-245- Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.
- In press: The reconciliation of diverging claims and rights. Governing differing entitlements to cultural artefacts in UNESCO and beyond. In: Müller, Birgit: International Governance. London: Pluto Press.
- In press: Neu eröffnete Völkerkundemuseen: Gewohntes, neue Ausrichtungen und Irrungen. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie.
- 28 – 30 November 2012: Conference: The Temporalities of Law (Organizers: Franz and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann and Martin Ramstedt). Max-Planck-Institut for Social Anthropology Halle/Saale. Vortrag (mit Sven Missling): Dealing with a contested colonial
legacy. The interactions between international law and international governance in the case of Preah Vihear.
- 13 – 14 October 2012: AMAN, ‘culture’ and the modernization of adat. Workshop Adat between state governance and self-determined indigeneity in Indonesia, Göttingen
- 13 – 14 October 2012: Organization (with Serena Müller) of a Workshop in Göttingen “Adat between state governance and self-determined indigeneity in Indonesia” (Chair and Lecture).
- 11 – 12 October: Workshop: World Heritage on the Ground: Ethnographic Perspectives (Organizers: David Berliner and Christoph Brumann). Max-Planck-Institute for Social Anthropology Halle/Saale. Participation as discussant.
- 30 June – 20 July 2012 fieldwork for the project ‘Cultural Property between sovereignty of indigenous groups, state and international organizations using the example of Indonesia’ in Bali (Indonesia).
- 20 – 22 June 2012 Attendance at the 18th Conference of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property in Paris.
- 23 – 25 May 2012 Workshop (Göttingen) „The International Law of Culture: Prospects and Challenges“: Indigenous peoples and multiple citizenship. Chair: Panel 5: Culture, UNESCO and International Relations.
- 05 December 2011: Key note: Promoting „culture“ – producing conflicts? International governance and the ambiguity of its tools. ISA Winter Retreat. Kirchschlag (Oesterreich).
- 14 – 17 September 2011: Organization and realization of a Panel (with Christoph Brumann) on occasion of the conference of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde in Vienna.
- 14 – 17 September 2011 DGV-Conference in Vienna: Many histories, many goals: Ethnographic collections in the crosshairs of competing claims an rights.
- 15.-17.06.2011 with Keiko Miura: “The Political Dimensions of Cultural Property Research“, International Symposium of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Cultural Property, The Constitution of Cultural Property: Interim Conclusions, Göttingen, Germany.
- 15.-17.06.2011: “Introductory Remarks and Policy Recommendations”, International Symposium of the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Cultural Property, The Constitution of Cultural Property: Interim Conclusions, Göttingen, Germany.
- 02.-04. May 2010: “The political implicatons of archaeological research in the case of Preah Vihear World Heritage Site, Cambodia“, Workshop “’Archaeologising’ heritage. Local social practice vs. global virtual reality.” Cluster of Excellence “Asia
and Europe in a global context” der Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg.
- 24.-27. February 2010 with Sven Missling: “The consequences of desire: Preah Vihear as a contested heritage site” Colloque international: Patrimoine culturel et désirs de territoires: vers quels développements? Université de Nîmes/Montpellier.
- 21. February 2010: “Im Schatten von Angkor. Leben mit dem Weltkulturerbe in Kambodscha”, Matinée-Vorträge der Ethnologischen Sammlung der Universität Göttingen.
- 12.-15.11.2009 Göttingen: “Preah Vihear: whose heritage, whose property?”, International Symposium on Cultural Property, Interdisciplinary Research Group on The Constituting of Cultural Property: Actors, Discourses, Contexts, Rules, Germany.