Conference: “Heritage Regimes and the State” (Göttingen)

The interdisciplinary Göttingen DFG-Research Group on Cultural Property jointly with the Institute of Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology at the University of Göttingen is pleased to announce an international working conference on “Heritage Regimes and the State: Nomination, Implementation, Regulation” from June 17-19, 2011.
Heritage research has blossomed into a vast area of interdisciplinary research. Our working conference aims for a comparative perspective on the diverse implementations of the heritage regime in different political systems. UNESCO heritage conventions have to be ratified by member states and not all states have opted to ratify every heritage option developed by UNESCO since 1972. Once a convetion is ratified, it is up to the individual state to generate institutions and processes for the selection, nomination and implementation of a given element of the World Heritage regime. Diverse modes of governance have thus developed, each with their own effects on heritage sites and practices and the actors associated with them on local, regional, and national levels. Working from a shared set of questions, the conference features presentations and joint discussions with international scholars who all have done ethnographic research in the realm of heritage or heritage-prone practices; they will summarize case studies touching on states’ handling of intangible and tangible heritage, cultural landscapes, and heritage in the making.
External guests are warmly invited to attend this working conference. Due to limited capacities we kindly ask for early registration, at the latest by May 1, 2011. The conference fee of € 15 will cover coffee breaks, two on site lunches as well as conference materials. To register, please contact Arnika Peselmann at apeselm (at) or:
Arnika Peselmann und Aditya Eggert
DFG FOR 772, Cultural Property
Baurat-Gerber-Straße 4-6
D-37073 Göttingen
Prelimary program: (PDF)

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